Sonntag, 9 Februar, 2025
Firenze Perseus Piazza delle Signoria

Perseus Piazza della Signoria

Naked men everywhere

Florence is not only a City full of Culture but it is also a City full of naked men. You don’t believe me? It’s true. Most of the statues are not “dressed”. 😉

When you are right on the Piazza della Signoria you would think that so much art is not possible to have in one place. It is amazing. You will find there a copy of Michelangelos David, a copy of Donatellos „Judith and Holofernes“ , Perseus with the Head of Medusa and so on.

The Buildings like Palazzo Vecchio, Palazzo delle Assicurazioni, Uffizi Gallery or Loggia degli Lanzi are not only famous they are also very impressive.


michelangelo david


Probably you heard already names like Leondardo Da Vinci, Medici, Pazzi, Dante, Boccacio, Michelangelo and many many more famous people that lived in Florence.

Go for it

In Florence you don’t need a car. You can explore almost the hole city walking. There is so much to see that you will not even realize how many kilometers you will walk by end of the day. Florence is full of great things to see – almost stuffed with arts. So watch to the left, to the right and hey be careful not to run someone down.
If you need to go outside you can take a bus. They have a great network with busses. You will be not the only tourist looking for great location.


If you are not so much into history maybe you know some movies filmed in Florence like “a room with view”, “Hannibal” or the TV Show “Da Vinci’s Demons”.



statue piazza signore



Apart of the arts you have a lot of fashion in this city and wonderful shops. You can find there Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton but also H&M, Zara or the italian  Intimissimi(I LOVE IT), Calzedonia, Disney Store and many more nice shopping locations.


Prada Florence

Prada Florence

Gucci Logo Florence


Here are some Shops with the new Season Stuff. Looks a little like 70s…


Schaufenster Florenz 2014 Florence window shopping shoes Schaufenster Florenz 2014 Florence window shopping Schaufenster Florenz Florence 2014 Schaufenster Florenz Florence Schaufenster Florenz 2014



You will find lots of shops with leather stuff in in. Jackets, Bags, shoes, belts and so on. Florence is known for it. If you need something in leather you should buy it in Florence. Outside the shops you can finde some markets. Prices are negotiable. But please don’t overdo. That is still quality stuff and that comes at a price.

So what did we learn? How will be autumn/winter colors? Pastels, blue, dark colors and beiges. We still have Overknees-Boots and Platform (what I really like).


And here just a few impressions of this wonderful city. You have to try Ice Cream and this great pasticcini.

In Florence you will find the bread salt free. But if you eat it with good Ham or Salami you will love it.

sweets florence italy houses water florence italy 2014


„Ich bin den ganzen Tag in Florenz herumgeschlendert, mit offenen Augen und träumendem Herzen. Sie wissen, das ist meine größte Wonne in dieser Stadt, die mit Recht den Namen la bella verdient. Wenn Italien, wie die Dichter singen, mit einer schönen Frau vergleichbar, so ist Florenz der Blumenstrauß an ihrem Herzen.“
―Heinrich Heine



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