Sunday, 9 February, 2025

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Fashion week in Tunisia. When I said I would fly to Tunisia to visit exactly this, everyone was amazed. A Fashionweek in Tunisia had hardly perceived one. I learned that the Fashionweek, however, already takes place there for 15 years in a row. But why does it somehow not arrive with us in Germany…?

Tunisia is a country in North Africa, bordering Algeria, Libya and the Mediterranean coast. The country is famous for its ancient history, beautiful landscape and rich culture. It is also “famous” (for insiders) for its fashion week, which takes place every year (for the last 15 years). Tunisia’s Fashion Week is one of the most important fashion weeks in Africa and one of the most important events in the African fashion calendar. During this week, visitors can admire new trends and collections of the best Tunisian and international designers.


Fashionweek was held in Torseur. If you look at the map, you can see that Torseur is pretty much at the end of Tunisia, on the Algerian border.

I had to travel from Hamburg to Frankfurt by train. Because from Hamburg there was only the flight to Monastir. But we wanted to fly to Tunis. Tunisair flies directly Frankfurt am Main to Tunis. I think Djerba is also flown to from Hamburg.



Tunis is the capital of the country and offers a variety of accommodations for all types of travelers. The city is full of impressive sights and is an ideal place to experience the culture of Tunisia. Once we arrived in Tunis, we first went to the hotel. The next day we walked through the medina of Tunis. The old medina of Tunis is famous for its collection of historic buildings and sights. A visit to the fresh market could not and must not be missed. It is every time again amazing and impressive so much delicious fruit, spices and cheese on such a market to find. I love the smells and the bright colors.



Tunis is home to some of the best boutiques in the country, offering a wide range of products, from haute couture collections to local artisan products.


Torseur – Fashion Week

In the middle of a dried up salt lake. In the middle of nowhere. A location as you know it from the glossy magazines. This was the location of this year’s Tunis Fashionweek fashion show.

But first from the beginning.

Located on the edge of the desert, Tozeur is a large city in the Sahara surrounded by hundreds of thousands of palm trees. Hats and baskets are woven from palm leaves, furniture, boxes and frames for house construction are made from trunks.

Fashion shows are important, not only because they show the new trends of the season. They are especially important for designers and also for the country to send their culture, expressed in colors and shapes around the world. They are also walking art exhibitions.

In Tunisia, Fashionweek is even more important. Because it shows many North African designers, who often have little chance to expose themselves in markets like Paris or Milan.
This year, due to high inflation, national designers had difficulties to participate in the Fashion Week. Nevertheless, a large number of national and international designers were present.

Press conference

The press conference was held at the Torseur Museum. In the wonderful courtyard we were welcomed with typical Tunisian music. There were small treats and delicious coffee. Some designers were present and introduced themselves briefly. Some in French and others in English (which I personally found very sympathetic, since I do not speak French).



Anis Montacer is the Vertanster of the Tunis Fashionweek. Every year he tries to find an even more exciting and unusual location. This year definitely a highlight.

Some designers were: Ukrainian designer Kristina Laptso, Luis Carvalho, Sana Ghai, Ibrahim Shebani, Kata Szegedi and Daniel Benuus, fashion students and French designers Frederique Ducos and Maud Beneteau.

Location – Chat eel Jeered

The largest salt lake in the Sahara is the Chott el Djerid, which continues in the Chott el Fejaj. With about 7500 square kilometers, the salt lake occupies almost 14 times the area of Lake Constance! The Chott roughly divides the Tunisian territory into the populated northern part and the almost deserted southern part, which is about the same size, but is no longer mentioned on many maps.

In the middle of the salt lake, a white, catwalk was built. Tents for the backstage area were pulled up and everything was made ready for the show.

We (journalists) were allowed into the First Row.

In the afternoon it was incredibly warm and windy. The later the evening, the cooler and windier. After all, we were in the desert, so to speak. There you have to be prepared for such temperature drops (especially in November).


Show started in the afternoon and went into the evening. The designers were accompanied by a DJ and cool music.



Tunisia has a rich cultural heritage that influences its fashion trends.

It is no surprise that local culture plays an important role in the fashion industry. Styles and designs are constantly evolving, but they are also deeply rooted in the place they come from. Each nation has its own culture that contributes to the aesthetic of its clothing. Designers draw inspiration from their surroundings when creating their collections – and that makes sense! What better way than to incorporate what you know best into a collection?

Tunisian designers are no exception; many of them draw inspiration for their collections from Tunisian history and culture. So it wouldn’t be surprising to see some traditional Tunisian elements pop up on trend lists this year!

This year, the designers and the trends were very different. From neon to classic, traditional clothing. From short minis to long, extraordinary dresses. I would say the theme here was diversity. Just like the whole of 2022.

Ibrahim Ben Sadok Photography / Foto Me & Katharina (So nah und so fern)


A few tips to enjoy Tunisia:

Be sure to take the time to learn about the local cultures and traditions of the country.
Taste local specialties to enjoy the delicious cuisine of the country.
There are so many sights to explore, be sure to set aside time.
Finally, don’t miss the time to visit some of the best designers in the country and admire the latest trends and collections.

Food Tipp

Wer es gerne etwas feuriger mag, sollte unbedingt Harissa probieren. Es ist eine rote Paste mit Gewürzen und Chili. Für mich unverzichtbar.

Vielen Dank an Andrea Philippi und das Tunesische Fremdenverkehrsamt für die Presse-Einladung und wunderschönen Eindrücke, die ich erleben durfte. 


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