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Summer, sun and CeBit – an ideal time to visit Hannover! Hannover is one of the hidden gems in Germany, because many people who travel to the heart of Germany or pass by the city on the way from north to south or east to west usually attract little. But Hannover is more than just fairs! Not only as a tourist, I have gradually discovered Hanover, no, I have also lived right on the Aegi and in Bemerode. Of course I only lived one year in Hanover, but this year was really very intense and interesting for me. And I do not rule out that I will move back to Hannover after graduation. It’s also not far away from my old home Göttingen.
The CeBIT is usually the time in spring, where the fair city of Hanover comes to life again. Well, everything is new in 2018 and suddenly we have a new CeBIT in Hanover, in the middle of summer and at the beginning of the World Cup. I often visited CeBIT myself or at least got plenty of goodie bags. Not because I was such a blatant blogger as a child, but because my father used to work there for several weeks in construction and dismantling and accompanied the fair as a telecommunications electronics engineer. Therefore, I know the CeBIT from an early age and somehow it always belonged to visit Papa after a few weeks’ absence.

Whether before or after work, whether a round of jogging or a walk – the Maschsee is for many in Hanover, a small oasis of peace.
In the meantime I have lived in Hanover for one year and I have to say that I fell in love with the city very much. Coming to Hannover is a bit like coming home. Whether at CeBIT, GLOW, any other trade show to meet and exchange with people there or just to spend a nice day at my favorite places. Unfortunately, many think that Hanover is quite bleak and if you only know Kröpcke, Aegi and Messe, well, then you can really think that. However, only a few minutes away from these places are really incredibly beautiful and idyllic places.
I have compiled a selection of them for you and there is so much more to discover!

Directly on the Maschsee is the football stadium. If Hannover 96 plays there, you can hear that on the half Maschsee.
The Maschsee
At least football fans may know the Maschsee a bit and I’ve always enjoyed that you could follow well on the lake at the weekend often, what was going on in the stadium. The Maschsee is only a few minutes walk away from the Aegi, short for Aegidientorplatz. At that time I lived right around the corner in Hanover in my year and it was almost a daily ritual to go to Maschsee in the evening for sunset. Or go out in the morning in the morning, if the weather permits. Or you can just sit by the water and relax, forget all the concrete of the city center.

Unterm Schwanz ist dort, wo man sich in Hannover normalerweise für den Stadtbummel oder Weihnachtsmarkt verabredet.
Unterm Schwanz
If one meets Hannover, one does not meet at the station, but Unterm Schwanz (under the tail). The equestrian statue of Ernst August in front of the station is meant. If you travel to Hanover, I can only recommend the journey by train, because from any corner of Germany you get somehow reasonably fast with the express train to Hannover. And if you want to meet somebody, it’s just Unterm Schwanz.
If you ask someone who comes from Hanover, then often divorced at Linden the spirits. The people from Linden love their neighborhood, some of the cunning have never entered this district and eyeing you skeptically. “What do you like so much about Linden?” Well, I got to know this neighborhood when I learned sign language together with my current husband at a folk high school course. Yes, other people have dates, we went to evening classes after work. We drove completely through Linden and fell in love with the beautiful look and the alternative shops. Winding houses with courtyards and so much to discover! Linden has a lot to offer.
My absolute favorite restaurant in Hanover also has its place in Linden. It’s called Centrum and it’s perfect for those of you who have the following problem: Do you know that, if you want to eat out with friends and eat vegan, the other vegetarian and the next meat? Forcing all too vegan food is not cool either … so I’m a big fan of the center. You can get almost all dishes in vegan, vegetarian and with meat and in the evening with the homelike ambience also good, in order to stay sociable even on a long drink. But not only the center offers good opportunities to go out for dinner or for nightlife, also cream shops and other restaurants can be found in Linden enough.
Herrenhäuser Gärten
Year after year, the fireworks world championships take place in the manor gardens near the university. It’s a pretty crowded event and it’s hard to come up with cards, but now and then I’ve made it. But these gardens do not only make these events, they are also very beautiful green oases and a must for anyone who enjoys Versailles and San Soucie. My personal highlight is the colorful walls of the Niki de Saint Halle Grotto with its three rooms. Niki and her Nikis as well as many other pieces of modern art beautify the cityscape in Hannover, but this grotto is my favorite work of art in the whole city.

Near the old town you will also find a little hidden the Aegidientorkirche.
The Old Town
Anyone who knows Hanover will certainly have visited the Marktkirche. You know, this chic church across from the market hall. Markthalle by the way, also an insider tip. If you are more than in transit, you should get there pomegranate seeds at the juice bar. And of course there are also very good drops for every wine lover, the location is very popular with members of parliament. But the old town is a great location in summer and winter, to browse for antiques, to enjoy the leash or simply to walk through the streets and let the sun shine on the fur.

In the old part of Hannover one finds a great architectural contrast to the rest of the city center.
Calenberger Neustadt
Not far from the city center and still quite quiet and sleepy is the Calenberger Neustadt. That does not sound very special at first glance, but I just like her. While in the city center, one concrete castle follows the other and there is usually a hectic bustle in the middle of the shops, it is a real blessing to just escape the hustle and bustle and immerse yourself in the tranquility of this place with the small, hidden organic shops and beautiful corners , Here you are far away from the banks and the hectic rush that Hannover else matters. And my mother likes it the most. For whatever reason.

In the Calenberger Neustadt is a very nice graffiti wall, which is sprayed every few weeks. A mecca for anyone looking for colorful People Photography venues.
The Capitol
For all concert goers I can recommend this location, because it is beautifully located at the gate to Linden. In addition, there is a small but fine concert venue with a special atmosphere in the Capitol. Concerts that you just can not experience in stadiums or oversized corrugated iron halls. If you are already there, then you can also make the nightlife unsafe. There directly opposite there is an always overcrowded Irish pub and who wants to imitate the locals from Linden, who goes Limmern. They pull down from bar to bar Linden and provides itself in between with drinks at the numerous kiosks.

Even in winter, the Maschpark is a fantastically beautiful park.
The Maschpark
If Pokemon Go were still a trend, then I would not recommend this park. At that time there was a meadow with three pokestops where, with the right hype, hundreds of Pokemon trainers sat day after day and caught Pokemon. Meanwhile, however, calm has returned and the park is fantastically beautiful as ever. Too bad for those who visit the park behind the Old Town Hall near the Aegidientorplatz in the summer, because he unfolds its full beauty only in winter in the snow. The scenery looks like a Russian winter fairytale. If you do not have time for a few hours on the Maschsee, this park is a nice alternative to just breathe in between two events or something similar. I ate lunch there once a week. And I think that each of us can use such places.

Just two minutes from the busiest streets in Hannover you will find amazingly idyllic places.
LoLa – The Loseladen in the Südstadt
I was very happy to have lived most of the time directly at the Aegi, because so I was very central and could get to know everything from Linden to the List. The beautiful and not so beautiful sides of the city. In addition to a great spice shop right on the corner of the garden cemetery, there is also since 2016 a crowdfunding financed loose shop, where you can buy unpackaged goods.

Particularly beautiful and popular photo motive in the spring are the cherry blossom boxes, which can be found year after year in the city center of Hannover.
Chay Express at the Steintor
Since a vegan street food festival, I now know the best vegan burger in the city. The service was often not great, so we usually prefer the burger to go picked up. If you think burgers can not speak vegan, you should try the teriyakiburger there.